Education Theme: Dual Tasking
Trainers should use this information to educate members during class. Repeat throughout the entire month so that the terms and concepts become familiar to the member. This knowledge will help them become more aware of their body and how it moves through daily tasks.
Dual tasking refers to the process of performing two tasks simultaneously. This concept is often studied in the fields of psychology and cognitive science to understand how the brain manages multiple streams of information and activity.
Examples or Life Connections:
CognitiveDualTasking:Engagingintwomentalactivitiesatonce,suchassolvingamath problem while remembering a list of words.
MotorDualTasking:Performingtwophysicalactivitiessimultaneously,likewalkingwhile carrying a tray.
MixedDualTasking:Combiningacognitiveandamotortask,suchastalkingonthephone while driving.
Dual tasking investigates the impact on performance, such as how the tasks might interfere with each other, the division of attention, and the cognitive load imposed by handling multiple tasks. The efficiency and effectiveness of dual tasking can vary based on factors like task complexity, individual cognitive capacity, and the familiarity of the tasks being performed.
BPD class practice:
● Count out loud reps
● count by 2’s, 5’s, 10’s etc or backwards
● ABC’s
● colors
● animals
● perform 2 exercises at same time
● perform 2 exercises back to back and repeat numerous times